
open class Actions1Builder<I, O>(val actions: MutableList<Action1<I, O>> = mutableListOf()) : ActionsBuilder<Action1<I, O>, (I) -> O>


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constructor(actions: MutableList<Action1<I, O>> = mutableListOf())


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open override fun on(name: String, key: String, handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>
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fun onAdd(handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>
fun onAdd(entity: String, handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>
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fun onAddAll(handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>
fun onAddAll(col: Collection<Any?>, handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>
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fun onCancel(handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>
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fun onCreate(handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>
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fun onDelete(handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>
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fun onDeleteAll(handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>
fun onDeleteAll(col: Collection<Any?>, handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>
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fun onDuplicate(handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>
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fun onEdit(handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>
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fun onGoBack(handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>
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fun onNo(handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>
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fun onOk(handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>
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fun onRetry(handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>
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fun onUpdate(handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>
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fun onView(handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>
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fun onYes(handler: (I) -> O): Action1<I, O>


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